*DX NEWS* 68DA101 Joe Receives Award

Northern Ireland based Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) members and elite contester 68DA101 Joe experienced a splendid surprise recently when he checked the local PO Box for any incoming mail.

By all reports, our Joe was elated to find the arrival of his special 3rd place medallion (See below) for the recent Delta-Alfa Team Challenge; a fantastic radio sports event managed by 104DA102 Syl he participated in with distinction back in December 2014.

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Now, one of the 11m community’s undisputed ‘Big Guns’, 68DA101 Joe has kindly sent us some pics of his Challenge award, as well as some of the impressive shack hardware he utilized to achieve this fantastic result, including the classic new Japan Radio Company JST-245 transceiver with matching speaker and 5 element quad antenna.

On behalf of his fellow members, congratulations to 68DA101 Joe on his awesome success in a very hotly contested event indeed!