Master DX Hunter. Adventurer. Trendsetter.
From the Kingdom of Spain, in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, the Dx Adventure Radio Club is honored to introduce to you NEW MEMBER 30DA102 Jose.
A new-age Freeband DXer, with admirable DX Hunter credentials, Jose signs with the DA-RC at the onset of solar cycle 25 via the DX Hunter category.
With favourable propagation forecasts on the radar, he’s intent on establishing himself as one of Spain’s most prosperous DX Hunters in the not so distant future.
History reveals that 30DA102 Jose has been caught up in radio comms for 32 years.
Before linking with the DA-RC in November 2023, he was previously known in the 11m Community as 30LOM636.
Jose was well-known and respected too for his efforts in cracking pile ups and logs for a large number of ‘Most Wanted’ activities.
According to his membership form, 30DA102 Jose resides in Seville, the capital and largest city of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia.
This sparkling QTH is just a short drive from The Gulf of Cádiz—the arm of the Atlantic between Cabo de Santa Maria—and the southernmost point of mainland Portugal and Cape Trafalgar at the western end of the Strait of Gibraltar.
Seville is known to be one of 30 Division’s most popular locations, home to some of the country’s famed traditions like flamenco and bullfighting.
The Plaza de Toros de Sevilla, in fact, is the largest and most important arena for bullfighting in Spain.
30DA102 Jose’s picturesque town is also world-famous for its enticing mix of Moorish, Christian and Jewish architecture and history, as well as some of the most delicious tapas found in southern Spain.
Popular attractions here are known to be the Cathedral of Santa Maria, the Alcázar Palace, the Church of San Marcos, The Casa Lonja, the University of Sevilla and the beautiful Maria Luisa Park shown pictured above.
Interestingly, 8 km northwest of Jose’s city are the ruins of the large Roman town of Itálica, which was said to be the birthplace of emperors Trajan and Hadrian.
The remains of its amphitheatre are said to be especially imposing!
Remarkably, the Seville harbour, located about 80 km from the Atlantic Ocean and pictured below, is the only river port in Spain and a critical point of the country’s imports and exports.
Culture wise and Sevilla is known also for its celebrations and festivals.
One of the most famous of these occurs during Semana Santa, or Holy Week, the seven days leading up to Easter.
This festival features colourful processions of floats, depicting religious scenes and carried by cofradías (brotherhoods) from their churches to the Cathedral of Santa Maria.
An investigation of his working conditions sees 30DA102 Jose employ an all mode, all band MF/HF/VHF/UHF Yaesu FT-991A transceiver with C4FM (System Fusion) Digital capability.
Providing a clean and solid 100 Watts of power, this is a compact, lightweight package suitable for portable, mobile and base installations.
According to Jose, this rig is paired with an MD-100 cardioid desk mic—also by Yaesu—which provides superb punch and clarity.
Outside 30DA102 Jose’s front door, high above his home and overlooking the lower reaches of the River Guadalquivir, is a 6 element cubical quad antenna which provides incredible gain and listening capability for his DX work.
Being such a busy and adventurous guy, it’s not surprising that 30DA102 Jose lists travel as one of his most preferred past times
He’s often about with his partner, exploring interstate or local sites, or dining out with friends and family members.
Cluster spot boards indicates that 30DA102 Jose is one of the most common callers on the International call frequency in his part of 30 Division.
Designed by 14DA010 Stef, his beautiful QSL card is available to confirm contacts—with standard contribution and a self-addressed envelope please—via the coordinations below…
Buenos días a todos desde sevilla España y os deseo una entrada de año 2025 cargada de mucha paz y salud para todos vosotros y vuestros seres queridos
Mi correo es
Hola Jose soy 10AD743 CDMX
a donde te puedo enviar tu QSL,, ????
Pliz Qsl Direkt
Ivanovic Dragan
Ul. Kanicova 61
37000 Krusevac