From the spectacular Leeward Islands IOTA Group, in the heart of the south Pacific, our Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) is proud to introduce to you 201DA001 Chris.
Possessing the reference OC-067, The Leewards is part of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France which is made up of 5 archipelagos.
A self-confessed IOTA Hunter and keen collector of QSL cards, 201DA001 Chris connects with the DA-RC in mid-September, 2023, nailing down an opportunity in the DX Hunter category with more than 100 DXCC entities confirmed.
For more than a decade now, our first Tahitian member has been regarded as one of the best and most prolific DX Hunters in the Oceania region.
A permanent fixture in Most Wanted DXpedition logs and a European DX magnet, he’s a guy whom is committed to the 11m DX Community and creating log opportunities for the world’s IOTA Hunter fraternity.
Located roughly 216 km northwest of Tahiti, Chris’s pocket-sized south Pacific island, Bora Bora, is a major international tourist destination; one that’s famous for its luxury seaside resorts and picture-perfect beaches.
Here, 201DA001 Chris resides in the largest settlement—Vaitape—on the western side of the main island, opposite the lagoon.
Shaped by an extinct volcano and surrounded by fringing reef, the lagoon is known to be Bora Bora’s main attraction and the perfect location for DX-downtime.
It’s magnificent underwater world hosts manta rays, sharks, colourful fish and corals, the dream of any diver or snorkelling fiend.
Another enticement on Chris’ island QTH are the remains of what were more than 40 marae (ceremonial platforms).
The best preserved are Marae Fare Opu, in Faanui Bay, and Marae Aehau-tai or Temaruteaoa, at the eastern end of Vairau Bay.
201DA001 Chris has constructed a super-impressive station in his quest for DX success.
On his radio shack benchtop is a modern Icom IC-7300 transciever—modified for general coverage—with its famous High Performance Real-Time Spectrum Scope and 100 watts of TX power.
Outside his home, more than 10m above the ground, is a home brew 3 element cubical quad antenna.
This impressive DX warhead overlooks the western part of Bora Bora lagoon, including its surrounding islets, a magnificent kaleidoscope of ever-changing blues.
“I wish to do activations in the future from some of these OC-067 islets,” he says. “Like the island of Maupiti or Tahaa…”
For employment, 201DA001 Chris works as a boilermaker/welder, where instead of a microphone, his tools are chipping hammers, grinders, welding clamps, drill bits, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, and hammers.
It pays the bills and empowers his frequent radio purchases hihi!
When he’s not chasing DX or on the tools at work, Chris enjoys chilling out to music—mostly reggae tunes, but also rock and blues.
Cluster Spotboards confirm that 201DA001 Chris is one of the Pacific’s most active DXers—a beacon of the OC region.
Like most DA members, he’s QRV on the international call frequency, 27.555 MHz USB, and is always looking to capture his next DX contact.
You might also get the opportunity to QSO with his 2 daughters who are fast establishing themselves as young DX Hunting prodigies in the Pacific a community.
Hablé con Chris el día de hoy 5 de enero de 2025 18:30 hs UTC…en 27.710MHz.
Mi qrz es 12RC117…buscaré intercambiar qsl
Bonjour Christian
Toujours un grand plaisir de te tactacter.merci du contact hier matin. Bonne continuation.
Bizzz à toute la famille.
73/51 de 14SD123 opérateur Joël dpt Tarn Joël dpt Tarn.
Salut Chris merci pour le qso de ce jour ! J’esperes te recontacter de nouveau
S2 a 4 radio 3 a 5 27 490 usb le 22/07/2024 a 9h10 depuis le departement 91 a bretigny sur orge
tx ft840 ant Yaesu 4 elements power 100 W
Salut Chris,
Merci beaucoup pour le QSO ce matin sur la fréquence 27.490 je suis du haut de France 14PAT 928 Bruno c’est la première fois que je fait un QSO avec la division 201 j’espère avoir encore la chance de te recopier.
73 51 a toi et ta famille, 14PAT928 Bruno
Merci Chris pour le QSO de ce matin en LP.
C’était difficile pour moi car mon antenne est une hexbeam non accordée sur le 27 MHz. J’ai également un QRM électrique important qui me gomme tous les signaux faible.
Bora bora me fait saliver.
Merci mille fois de m’avoir répondu.
73’s QRO
Jean-Noël 14DC51
Département des Ardennes (08)
Dear Chris,
I received the signal of your QSO with 25EK141 and am sending you an SWL card. Please download it from the following URL. If you can confirm this report, please issue an eQSL to me.
73 25SW422/SWL Yasuo
Hello Chris… Nice to meet you for second time. You have really good reception on your side then me hi hi.
10 c and rain with storm here.
My equip. Ts50 ant. A99 100w
So 73’s Chris have a good day
1KP234 Robert
Bonjour Chris neige ici ce matin, 2e qso avec toi,la quad 3 marche bien,je possède également cette antenne depuis 15 annees fabrication om,elle est directement connecté au coaxial , les plan sont dispo,mon qth est compliqué, très encaissé sauf direction sud est, mon locator jn25hr altitude 470m à proximité du village de vaugneray, à bientôt sur la bande amicalement 14sd805 bruno
Hi Chris, good to get the small chat tonight.
I live in New Zealand and did have a very short call 41LWC407.
I do run an Anytone5555n with an A99 on the lower North Island.
73 de Alan
Salut Chris, Merci beaucoup pour ce qso rapide ce matin, kp414 , j ‘etais à Bora en octobre 2000, ( chez Teipo et Nono ensuite) J’y ai fait un peu de radio aussi à l ‘époque. Māuruuru roa, nana! Eric
Hey Chris … just spoke to you on 55 … 43WR88 Steve …here in Sydney … Signal was loww and went quick … Just wanted to say G’day here and shame the signal died off so quick !!
Hi bro, Welcome in DA-RC 🙂
Best 73s from Stef .010 in armony
ITL today 08/12 , in LP 1AT761 , ciao Chris 🙂
73 de Claudio, 1AT761
Hello Chris. Another great operator from the Pacific!
Thanks for the QSO on 12.oct.2023 via LP.
I wish you many ang great QSOs with your new callsign.
73 35WR035 Frank