While other radio groups in the international citizens band communities have their own rules around issuing ‘0’ and /DX callsigns for DXCC DXpeditions, the DA-RC World HQ Team adheres to the following system when issuing such callsigns…
‘DA/0’ Callsigns
These are issued by the DA-RC World HQ Team when:
- The division being activated has not been formally activated for 10 or more years by the DA-RC or any other club; or
- The division being activated has been formally activated in the past 10 years by the DA-RC or another club but has not achieved 200 or more contacts***
Other Conditions
- There is no minimum number of contacts required for a DA/0 activity to be deemed as valid
- DA/0 callsigns are not issued to home operators
- A full-colour double QSL card containing log data from the DXpedition activity is offered for all DA/0 activities via the respective continental QSL Manager
‘DA/DX’ Callsigns
These are issued by the DA-RC World HQ Team when:
- The division being activated has not been activated in the past 5—9 years by the DA-RC or another club
- The activation proceeds a ‘0’ activity conducted by the DA-RC or another club after 5—9 years
- The division being activated has been formally activated in the past 5—9 years by the DA-RC or another club but has not achieved 200 or more contacts***
Other conditions
- There is no minimum number of contacts required for a DA/DX activity to be validated
- DA/DX callsigns are not issued to home operators
- A full colour double QSL card containing log data from the DXpedition activity is offered for all DA/DX activities via the respective continental QSL Manager
- IOTA callsigns issued by the DA-RC or any other group have the same value as a /DX activity
Portable Callsigns
These are issued by the DA-RC World HQ Team when:
- The division being activated by a visiting member/s does not qualify for a /0 or a /DX activity
Other conditions
- There is no minimum number of contacts required for a portable activity to be validated
- Portable callsigns are not issued to home operators
- A QSL card confirming the portable activity is to be offered at the discretion of the portable operator/s only
The Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) views the issuance of such callsigns as an important consideration indeed. To ensure that the correct callsign is issued, research is undertaken to gather as much information as possible on past activities, including log statistics.
*** In the event that 200 contacts cannot be proven with log evidence by any previous non-DA-RC DXpedition team, QSL Manager or on-line resource, then it is assumed by the DA-RC World HQ Team that the proposed division be valid for either a ‘0’ or ‘/DX’ callsign in accordance with its already confirmed history.