*DX NEWS* Moxon v Quad Results

The marks are in from 3DA012 Roger’s 2 week long test of a 4 element Moxon against a 4 element Quad with some startling results noted.

Roger has included QSO data from a number of his contacts with DXCC (Netherlands, Liechtenstein), and IOTA stations (including Tahiti, Java, Demarchi, Kendek, Moorea, Rarotonga) in different continents, in different hemispheres, over varying distances and signal paths.

Here is his summary of the ‘Quad V Moxon’ investigation…


After using both antennas on the same transceiver over a period of 15 days with good and weak propagation, it gives me an idea about what the differences are between these antennas.

In fair propagation, any QSO with a station less than 4000 km away from my home QTH in Alagoas Brazil, the Moxon is winning against the Quad with 2-4 db more. Some stations can be heard with the Quad but all are quite readable with the Moxon.

From 4000 km to 8000 km, reports are relatively the same with the Quad and Moxon antennas……5/7 to 5/9 ++ most of the time.

Above 8000 km, the Quad is better than the Moxon and above 15000 km it’s a 4db difference on the signal meter.

On Long Path (LP) 20 000 km +, you can’t listen to the station with the Moxon but with the Quad you RX 5/9 with a 5/7 TX report.

During poor propagation, the differences are that on 8000 km QSO RX and TX report are 2db more on the Quad.  On any QSO above this distance the difference is from 4db or more. Above 10 000 km there was no more copy on the Moxon antenna and still 5/5 on the Quad.


For me, the Moxon antenna is a good antenna and makes a great job for short to medium range contacts (less than 10 000 km).  Above this distance, the Quad antenna is much better.

I must say also that the Moxon is more sensitive to QRM than the Quad.

But if beaming 360°, stations between 300° to 60° can be listened, but with the quad 270° to 90° . So the Moxon is more directive on reception than the Quad.

I have owned a 3 element conventional yagi antenna before and must say that the Moxon works better than this one.


30-10-2012 16:37:34 3DA012 27610 USB BRAZIL FRENCH POLYN 201AT/FO002 WKD 59 Olivier on Moxon / Tahiti isle OC-046/SP/Simplex/11900Km
30-10-2012 10:14:37 3DA012 27580 USB BRAZIL NETHERLANDS 19AC521 WKD Mr Mari RR59+ / TX 140S- 200W- gp27 antenna / 7800 Km

Both with Moxon same report with Quad on 201 RX report no QSB with quad.

30-10-2012 23:39:32 3DA012 27545 USB BRAZIL INDONESIA 91DD018 WKD 59 Dave / LP / Jakarta / 23190 Km

This QSO was with the Quad.  Dave couldn’t hear me on the Moxon and it’s the same for me.

01-11-2012 14:39:54 3DA012 27660 USB BRAZIL ARGENTINA 4SD/DI WKD 59 on Moxon- Mark ITL Demarchi isle – 3800 Km
01-11-2012 14:25:38 3DA012 27495 USB BRAZIL LIECHTENSTEI 40FAT/DX WKD 55 on Moxon ITL/ Simplex / 7600 Km

For both QSO, weak copy on Quad and nice one on Moxon.

01-11-2012 23:50:03 3DA012 27530 USB BRAZIL NEW CALEDONI 172AT/FK215 WKD 41 to 51 Philippe -qsb – kendek isle oc-032 -ITL
01-11-2012 21:50:15 3DA012 27630 USB BRAZIL FRENCH POLYN 201AT/FO010 WKD 59 Olivier -ITL-Moorea isl -OC-046 -SP

First one was only possible with the quad and on 201 QSO -2dbs on Moxon.

05-11-2012 22:05:53 3DA012 27640 USB BRAZIL COOK IS. 250PAS/0 WKD 59 Giovanni -Cook isl OC-013 – SP – 13000km

RX report on Moxon 5/5 to 5/2

10-11-2012 21:55:30 3DA012 27650 USB BRAZIL COOK IS. 250PAS/OC013 WKD 53 Giovanni Rarotonga isl. 13000km SP

The radio report was 2/1 on Moxon and no QSO was possible.

In my opinion, it would be interesting to test a 6 element Moxon.  The difference between the Quad and this unique type of wire antenna might then be smaller or perhaps there’ll be none?!?!

Station Environment

The equipment used for my testing was:

  • Yaesu FT-950
  • Heil Pro Set Plus and Heil Pro Set Elite Headset
  • 4 elements quad 5.7 meter boom – 10 ° take off angle at 11meters high
  • 4 elements wired Moxon -0° take off antenna at 11 meters high also
  • Antennas are 10 meters distance one from the other.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to email me in person at