“Islomania is a rare affliction of spirit. There are people who find islands somehow irresistible. The mere knowledge that they are in a little world surrounded by sea fills them with an indescribable intoxication.”
Lawrence Durrell, 1953
Even if, as John Donne’s much quoted line tells us, no man is an island, an awful lot of us would like to be one, or at least be on one.
Private Islands Online makes all this possible, and then some. An ‘island marketplace’ accessible at the touch of a keyboard, this amazing web resource allows passionate islands DX enthusiasts like those in the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) to canvass the world’s islands for possible sale, providing details such as cost and sales support, all the way through to purchase. That’s right IOTA freaks…it helps you buy your very own island!
For many DA-RCies, this is no doubt appealing to say the least! The mere idea of an island for most members – the tangible embodiment of privacy and freedom – would compel and capture the imagination.
In addition to the obvious benefits of 24/7 IOTA DX and attention from IOTA Hunters across the bands, the powerful attraction of an island is the promise of isolation (that word itself derived from the Italian word for “island”), a total escape from the cares and stresses of life on the mainland.
The internet is the predominant method for finding real estate, and this is especially true for private islands. There will likely be just a few scattered properties in your region of interest, and using a specialty website like www.privateislandsonline.com shows you the entire market at the click of a button.
Private Islands Online provides many exciting features to facilitate the purchase or rental of your very own island. Some of the most attractive for islands dx enthusiasts might be…
Private Islands Buyers Guide
This document provides important information on all the elements of private island ownership including regulatory considerations, insights into developing the island and creating your own Island super shack and more.
The Private Islands Buyers Guide is downloadable as a PDF file at http://www.privateislandsonline.com/private-island-buyers-guide/island-buyers-guide.pdf.
Islands Search Engine
This facility allows you to locate islands for sale and available to rent across the world.
It allows you to filter your choices by island types, region (i.e. Africa, Asia, Canada, Caribbean, Central America, Europe, South America, South Pacific, United States), a sliding price scale, using maps and more.
Interested persons are able to subscribe to the special newsletter simply by entering their email address. This will give them access to new island listings and much more!
Visit Private Islands Online at http://www.privateislandsonline.com/ and see the rest for yourself!
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