*DXPEDITION REPORT* 99DA/OC156, Tavewa Island, Proofs

The Fiji IOTA DXpedition team is currently active on Tavewa Island in the remote Yasawa Islands — a spectacular archipelago of about 20 volcanic islands in the Western Division of Fiji (99 Division). 

This is the third Islands On The Air (IOTA) activity in the Tour after Viti Levu and Denarau!

IOTA_DARC_logo_official_transparentSharing the reference number OC-156 with others in the RSGB identified IOTA group, Tavewa Island has never before been activated on the 11m band.

It therefore represents an amazing opportunity for serious Island Chasers the world over to log a “new one”.

Fiji-Yasawa-Islands-CCC-random-sizeThe team left from Denarau Island on April 11 and arrived at Tavewa some 6 hours later by boat.

Tavewa does not have a pier; all supplies had to be loaded onto a small landing boat from a supply ship stopping between the islands. 

The station equipment and luggage had to be carried from the vessel in knee-to breast-deep water onto the beach. From there, the goods were transferred into wheelbarrows and carried to the bure.

Flag mapThere is no power on the island so the team must use a generator to run the station.  Diesel for the generators is transported this way in jerry-cans.  No problem!

Since their arrival, the team reports to experiencing some favourable band conditions on the island with some 600 stations logged in the first 48 hours on Kevin’s homemade Skypper antenna.

There is lots more hard work to be done however and both Kevin and Darren are committed to providing as many chances as possible for those whom are not yet ITL.

Measuring approximately 3 kilometres long by 1 km wide, the island is dotted with coconut palms and golden sandy beaches with a backdrop of magnificent rugged mountains.

FIJI_MAPThere are approximately 10 traditional Fijian bures which make up the Otto and Fanny Resort where the team is staying.

The locals are receptive to the team’s needs.

There is no fresh drinking water on the island and the bure has a cold salt water shower only.

The team has brought bottled water and a stock of Fiji beers for hydration.

wpc1721f14Pictured on this page are some images of the expedition, photographs which demonstrate the unspoiled and breath-taking beauty of one of the most picturesque island dxstinations on Earth.

Flag of Fiji