DX Awards Archive

  • To honour  the Determination, Accomplishments, Resourcefulness and Collaboration of our members, the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) Awards Program offers the most comprehensive range of DX Hunter and DXpeditioner Awards ever […]

    *DX NEWS* New DXCC Hunter Awards

    To honour  the Determination, Accomplishments, Resourcefulness and Collaboration of our members, the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) Awards Program offers the most comprehensive range of DX Hunter and DXpeditioner Awards ever […]

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  • The ‘WAZ Award’ for hams began in 1934 and is now embraced by the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) for our bustling community of whole-hearted 11m band DX Hunters. The […]

    *DX AWARDS* DA-RC ‘Worked All Zones (WAZ)’

    The ‘WAZ Award’ for hams began in 1934 and is now embraced by the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) for our bustling community of whole-hearted 11m band DX Hunters. The […]

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