In April 2023, the Dx Adventure Radio Club’s venture to Niue Island in the South Pacific Ocean will go down as one of the most successful dxpeditions in recent memory.
It’s fitting then, that such a wonderful dx adventure, should have the very best of QSL cards in honor of 41DA981 Giovanni’s professional DX work at this ‘Most Wanted’ DXstination.
The 272DA0 QSL card is a breathtaking triple design, engineered by grand graphics guru 14DA010 Stef at 010 Designs.
The Niue flag and coat of arms dominates the front side of the three-layered card.
When peeled back, there are compelling dxpedition proofs inside, intermingled with stunning Niuean seascapes and all the regular features (i.e. banners, logos, IOTA ref, etc.) of a high quality Delta-Alfa QSL card.
One of the most interesting features is the log data with a list of DXCC entities worked during the 2 week long activity.
Accompanying the QSL card is a special mini-card, acknowledging the many guys who sponsored this activity and their incredible generosity in helping us realise this event.
Shown below, this is the perfect keepsake, alongside such a beautiful QSL card, in your QSL album.
This QSL card is now available from DA-RC HQ OC, PO Box 3140 Browns Plains LPO Q Australia 4118.
The contribution is standard please — $3 US or 3 Euro + SAE.
Thank you for supporting DA-RC activities.
For me will be a all time big memorie on a great DXpedition with a great direct received postcard. This will be finaly surpassed with a great QSL card. Thanks to Giovanni, Darren and Stephane. Best greetings Frank de 35WR035