*DX NEWS* 10DA/NA-045 Holbox Island, Postcard

It’s well known that most DX Hunters would give their right arm for a postcard sent direct from a rare DXstination.

Particularly IOTA Hunters who like to combine receipt of cards with their distinguishing features like this with the QSL from the respective QSL Manager.

13DA110 UliPictured above is one such postcard, direct confirmation from the DXpeditioner himself, sent straight to renowned Island Hunter 2AT058 Brian from DA-RC member 13DA110 Uli during his recent IOTA DXpedition to Mexico’s Isla de Holbox.

Not only are direct postcards special keepsakes for DX Hunters themselves, but adorned with affixed stamps and a postmark to indicate date and time of mailing by the local post-office they also represent valuable proofs for our club’s validation team; indications of genuineness to attest to a DX adventure’s authenticity.

 Congratulations to Brian on receipt of his direct postcard from Uli!
