To honour the Determination, Accomplishments, Resourcefulness and Collaboration of our members, the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) Awards Program offers the most comprehensive range of DX Hunter and DXpeditioner Awards ever available in the 11m DX community.
Over the past decade, many guys have applied for DA-RC awards which now adorn the walls of radio shacks or feature in frames on the shack mantle around the world.
In 2019, we present to you a magnificent new range of DXCC Hunter Awards for 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 entities worked.
Designed by 1DA010 Luca in Italy from ElevenFour Designs, these outstanding full-colour, hard copy awards are free of charge for DA-RC Members and available for a small fee for non-DA-RC’ies to cover postage.
All awards are professionally printed by a commercial printer on certificate grade card and sent in a padded envelope.
The DA-RC HQ sticker and signature is also used to authenticate the awards.
As always, to protect the integrity of the Awards Program, it is essential to complete a special log sheet identifying the contact details of each station worked, in each of the DXCC claimed, as proof that the contacts occurred.
Once received, this special log sheet will then be verified by DA-RC HQ and the relevant award sent in the mail to the applicant.
QSL cards are not necessary to confirm contacts as these are easily verifiable and able to be crosschecked in the log database. In the case of a contact with a DXCC which has had no previous Dxpedition, however, a QSL card, postcard or letter with details of the QSO will be necessary and should be included with the log sheet.
To download a copy of the special PDF log sheet, click HERE!
Log sheets can be emailed to 43DA001 Darren at DA-RC HQ OC via .
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