*HAM RENTAL* Galápagos Islands


Galapagos_Islands_topographic_map-en.svgAn IOTA DX adventurer’s paradise, the Galápagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Ecquador.

Consisting of 18 main islands, 3 smaller islands, and 107 rocks and islets, the Galapagos (145 Division) is a rare DXCC and IOTA reference on 11m, as well as on ham bands.

A little known ham-friendly accommodation on San Cristobal Island, however, is certain to make this far more accessible than it has been in the past.

Galapagos-Islands-3The ‘Ham Radio Galapagos Station’, with its multiple towers and incredible antenna arrays, was built in 1998.

It has been a carefully guarded secret, however, since then and surprisingly ‘under utilized’ by the world’s ham and 11m dx community.

GALAPAGOSBoasting wonderful yagi takeoffs to all major DX markets, this ideal accommodation sits on top of a mountain 650 meters above sea level.

Perfect for a large team, the facility sleeps 15 comfortably, has 7 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms and a 400 sq. ft. dining/common area (See below).


galapWhen not behind the microphone working through the guaranteed pile ups, there’s plenty to do on the islands…

Apart from providing the occasional opportunity for rare DX once or twice every decade, the Galapagos Islands are known for their vast number of endemic species.  These were studied by Charles Darwin during the second voyage of HMS Beagle.

1275x500Galapagos-19The animals and birds unique to these islands, the history, exhibits, warm, unbelievable clear water, beaches, coves and bays, the swimming, snorkelling, kayaking, bike and mountain treks, world class surfing, diving and open ocean fishing, wild horses, pigs and tortoises roaming the highlands.


Marine-Iguana-Galapagos-IslandsMore Infos