If you’re looking for a light-hearted hobby read to put a smile on your face when the radio is silent then many DA-RC members recommend ‘The Adventures of Zack and Max” which is advertised on the ICOM America website as an amateur radio comic book.

Volume 7 of the comic book, in fact, has just been released with the title being ‘Ham radio to the Rescue’.

The story begins as Zack and Max share with us what they learn about emergency preparedness and communication.  

Zack, Max and Mady, along with their family and friends, participate with their ham club in an emergency drill.

At the drill they learn how to set up a station during an emergency, experience advances made in digital modes and help others in their community through amateur radio.

Readers are encouraged to enjoy “Super Max” as he helps old  and new friends get on air, and help others!

While these books are great for old timers, they are also suitable for kids (including school students) and ideal stimulus to get them involved in the hobby with colouring books also available for download free of charge.

These awesome comics can be previewed and downloaded free of charge from the ICOM America website as colour pdf files and then printed and enjoyed.

To get your hands on the previous 6 volumes of ‘The Adventures of Zack and Max’, as well as the newly released volume 7, please visit the ICOM America website at  http://www.icomamerica.com/en/amateur/comic_book/default.aspx .
