As well as supplying some of the world’s best rigs and radio DXcessories, ICOM further demonstrates its commitment to our ham radio hobby by offering a number of FREE downloadable resources via its official website.

ICOM_logo_600dpiThese terrific resources come highly recommended by a number of DA-RC members who’ve downloaded them and added them to the shack library in the past.

Check out some of the super ‘click-and-savables’ below…


U.S.A. Amateur Band Plan:

With your license comes operational privileges!

So, to make sure you operate within your licensed spectrum, download the colour-coded chart of the US ham radio bands and country codes and get started today!

New Rules for the 60 Meter (5 MHz) Band:

On November 18, the FCC released a Report and Order (R&O), defining new rules for the 60 meter (5 MHz) band. In the R&O, the FCC replaced one of the channels in the band, increased the maximum authorized power amateur stations may transmit in this band and authorized amateur stations to transmit three additional emission designators in the five channels in the 5330.6-5406.4 kHz band (60 meters).

U.S.A. Amateur Grid Square Map:

An invisible grid, based on 1° latitude by 2° longitude, encompasses the globe and is used for geographic location and identification during communications using your VHF and UHF radios. As HF operators collect QSL cards from around the world, VHF/UHF operators collect grid squares. Download the grid square map and mark up your QSO’s!

Ham Radio Terms:

The amateur radio hobby has a language of its own and is not always easy to understand.

For new and experienced operators alike, this glossary contains general definitions of typical amateur radio terms for reference on-the-go.

CQ DX Zones of the World:

This is a double-sided world map showing the CQ DX Zones and the ITU Zones. Each map uses an Albers Equal Area projection. With colour-coded regions and a list of country codes, this map serves as an illustrative tool to help you in any DX adventure!

To download any of the fabulous tools above, just visit the ICOM website HERE and follow the prompts!
