On November 11, 14DA021 Eric and I (14DA028 Phil) arrived at the same time on diminutive Fort Gassion Island as we’d planned to be there for 08h00 GMT.
Around us, the stunning morning beauty of the Aire-sur-la-Lys commune in the Pas-de-Calais department was a very pleasant setting and we were both excited to be undertaking this new initiative for the World Islands Contest (WIC).
By the tranquil water of the Lys & Oduel River, we took the time to talk a little under a fine rain while searching for a comfortable place to settle and erect the portable 11m DX station for our Inland Water Island activity.
Before leaving our home QTH in northern France I’d seen on Google Maps a large green space so we decided to go to this place.
When we arrived we were spoiled for choice because the car park was like a ghost town at this moment.
As usual Eric was busy installing the 1 element Quad antenna for the station which was: Yaesu FT-857D transceiver, KL-501 250w amplifier and a 110Ah battery.
Soon we were QRV as 14DA/62079R.
The 1st CQ DX call on the International Calling Frequency 27.555 MHz USB was made and we QSYed to 27.520 MHz USB to listen; pens in hand ready to start logging keen IWI Hunters.
Here our first contact with fellow Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) member 14DA024 Chris was made at 08h29 gmt with a R/S of 55.
He’s followed by 14AT143 Fabrice of the Department 38 and 14RS055 Mike in the Department 60.
The QSOs continue with our first EU station outside of France logged — well-known DX Hunter 47PL122 Arne at 08:36 GMT and R/S 5/3.
We ceased our activity from this small River island at 12h35 GMT, after some 4 solid hours on the air, to relocate to 62011R.
DA-RC members ITL are 14DA024 Chris, 14DA049 Fred, 1DA101 Giorgio, 14DA021 Eric and 14DA028/P Phil.
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who called in.
For QSL details, please click HERE.
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