For Eleven Meter DX Hunters and DXpeditioners, Cluster DX is an incredible, multi-faceted online resource; one befitting the dynamic and exciting appeal of DX work on 26-27 MHz frequencies.

Presented using sophisticated graphics in a dynamic format, this electronic supply of pertinent 11m DX information has fast become the number one meeting point of Freeband DXers.

A real-time QSO Spot Board, 11m prefix database, log book, activations hub, chat room and lots more, there’s just so much amazing stuff to entertain oneself with as the rig purrs away in the shack.

Other Cluster DX characteristics include a forum, news area, photos, ionospheric maps, private message feature, a shout box, QSL Manager list and download section.

You’re also able to export your ‘Spots’ to a file on your home computer.

A list of Users in the right-hand side menu bar tells you who of the 3200+ members are online at any given time and who has been active over the course of the day.

At any one time, there’s likely to be 200+ users online, all monitoring the ‘Spot Board’ which provides an abundance of QSO information.

161LV001 Tomek (See pictured left) is the Cluster DX owner.

Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) member 14DA049 Fred has an administrative role with the cluster, appointed by Tomek as a Coordinator of France.

The site’s rules and regulations are common sense and fair and the spirit amongst users is always friendly.

For those DA-RC members whom aren’t already connected, this site comes highly recommended. 

You can also following the action on Facebook!

73 de DA-RC HQ