Please see below the updated list of Official Sponsors for 250DA/0 from the picture perfect island of Rarotonga in the Cook Islands (South).
This is the first of 41DA981 Giovanni’s wonderful dxpedition efforts in this remarkable Pacifica paradise.
In the Eleven Meter DX Community, we’re incredibly blessed to have such a large and professional network of radio comms hobbyists, regardless of their club affiliation or DXCC location, who support serious DXpedition work such as this, and 41DA981 Giovanni is committed to delivering another outstanding activity – as is his trademark.
Sponsorship Benefits
Any sponsor who contributes 15 € or more towards the 250DA/0 dxpedition will receive the following outstanding benefits…
- A beautiful sponsorship certificate, designed by 14DA001 Stef
- His name and QRZ displayed on the QSL confirmation card, as well as on the DA-RC website (See below)
- Invitation to the private DXpedition Whats App Group
- Direct access to the team at this exciting QTH via Facebook Messenger, email and/or Whats App
- Direct postcard from the DXstination as a token of our appreciation
- Access to skeds, real-time info, log updates, QRG and QTR of this activation
- First access to proofs, photos, videos, etc.
- Personal satisfaction knowing you contributed to the realization of a ‘Most Wanted’ opportunity for the 11m DX community
How to Make a Donation
Thank you for your continued support of our dxpedition ventures.
For this activity, donations of 15 € or more can be made via PayPal direct to 41DA981 Giovanni at .
Please include your callsign, email address, postal coordinations, Whats App phone number and Facebook profile so that you can be added to the private groups.
At the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC), we’re immensely grateful for your financial contribution, big or small, to make this ultra-exciting dx adventure a success.
On behalf of Giovanni, we look forward to providing yet another high-quality dxpedition performance and enjoyable experience for DX Hunters in this arena.
73 de DA-RC HQ Team
1. 1AT065 Luca
2. 1AT090 Ivan
3. 1AT096 Paolo
4. 1AT136 Pietro
5. 1AT152 Francesco
6. 1AT311 Enrico
7. 1AT506 Piero
8. 1AT519 Giuseppe
9. 1AT746 Alex
10. 1AT761 Claudio
11. 1AT785 Stefano
12. 1AT1074 Simone
13. 1DA005 Gaetano
14. 1DA007 Darek
15. 1EK156 Mauro
16. 1SD005 Giorgio
17. 1SD013 Andrea
18. 1SD014 Fabio
19. 1ST001 Massimo
20. 2AT081 Aaron
21. 2AT111 Alvin
22. 2AT715 Paul
23. 2SD002 Mark
24. 3AT021 Amarildo
25. 3AT027 Vanderlei
26. 3AT030 Laz
27. 3AT059 Valdecyr
28. 3AT086 Eduardo
29. 3AT164 Marcelo
30. 3AT200 André
31. 3AT203 Cristiano
32. 3AT204 Tim
33. 3AT303 Renato
34. 3DA001 Tulio
35. 3DA002 Roger
36. 3DA010 Márcio
37. 3DA017 Rafael
38. 3FA155 Denis
39. 3SD102 Paulo
40. 3SD170 Thiago
41. 3SD300 Marcos
42. 3SKD042 Luis
43. 10AT258 Hugo
44. 10RM555 Edgar
45. 10SD106 Amilcar
46. 13AT012 Mike
47. 13AT013 Sven
48. 13AT015 Joe
49. 13AT031 Martin
50. 13AT175 Adi
51. 13AT242 Oliver
52. 13AT398 Hans
53. 13AT555 Marcus
54. 13AT715 Pete
55. 13DX101 Thomas
56. 13IR100 Stefan
57. 13LR225 Jürgen
58. 13OP020 Martin
59. 13OT001 13OT2012 Mia
60. 13OT033 Frank
61. 13OT2012 Mia
62. 13LR200 Mike
63. 14DA001 Steph
64. 14DA017 Pat
65. 14DA019 Christophe
66. 14DA027 Thierry
67. 14DA049 Fred
68. 14DA181 Marc
69. 14DA496 Rino
70. 14EK099 Jean Michel
71. 14AT023 Jean Marc
72. 14AT039 Jerome
73. 14AT047 Yoann
74. 14AT061 Leo
75. 14AT072 Norbert
76. 14AT115 Jean
77. 14AT149 Yannick
78. 14AT193 Philippe
79. 14AT154 Daniel
80. 14AT160 Alain
81. 14AT201 Farid
82. 14AT224 David
83. 14AT461 Ludo
84. 14AT941 Eric
85. 14RC199 Valentin
86. 14RS051 Chris
87. 14SD213 Mario
88. 14YM24 Yanis
89. 16AT747 Marco
90. 19AT103 Rene
91. 19AT106 Marco
92. 19AT112 Rob
93. 19AT256 Twan
94. 19AT515 Ron
95. 19DA104 Gene
96. 26AT028 Sean
97. 26AT043 Nick
98. 26AT077 Mike
99. 26AT093 Angelo
100. 26AT483 Mike
101. 26DA010 Scott
102. 26DA117 Geoff
103. 26DA283 Jason
104. 26DX047 Darran
105. 26EK023 Damian
106. 26MP1305 Mark
107. 26SR102 Rob
108. 29AT038 Tim
109. 29AT104 Joe
110. 30AT014 Miguel
111. 30AT766 Jose
112. 30DA010 Sergio
113. 30DA011 Luis
114. 30RC555 Antonio
115. 30SD992 Pedro
116. 31PAT233 Antonio
117. 31AT347 Nuno
118. 34DA183 Juan Carlos
119. 35RC100 Hannes
120. 35SR159 Chris
121. 35SSB079 Peter
122. 35WR035 Frank
123. 43AT101 Steven
124. 43DA001 Darren
125. 43DA123 Brian
126. 43DX234 Tom
127. 47AT818 Johnny
128. 47DK137 Karsten
129. 47DX011 Finn
130. 47IR042 Ken
131. 56AT016 Jarkko
132. 56AT137 Peter
133. 56LR001 Mike
134. 56SD001 Antti
135. 56SD106 Ville
136. 68AT011 John
137. 68AT107 Derek
138. 68AT121 Robert
139. 68AT143 Daniel
140. 109SR101 Simon
141. 161AT070 Tomasz
142. 161AT504 Martin
143. 161DA015 Janusz
144. 161EX015 Jurek
145. 161EX016 Mariusz
146. 161KCR016 Marian
147. 161SD174 Rafal
148. 165AT017 Mario
149. 165DA101 Alessandro
150. 163AT136 Steve
151. 178AT111 Andy
152. 327AT011 Martino
Your callsign?