With some 7000+ islands scattered across the magnificent Philippines Archipelago, 79 Division has long been acknowledged in the Freeband community as somewhat of a ‘gift box’ of IOTA prospects.
The connection of a number of high-quality operators, using high-quality stations, with our Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) in recent times has seen the contents of this south-east Asian ‘gift box’ become even more accessible.
The latest edition to the DA-RC ranks, in October 2018, fits this profile perfectly…
79DA181 Edgar, pictured left and below, resides in a city on the northern slopes of a sacred volcano called ‘Mount Makiling’.
This ‘potentially active’ (dormant) volcano is one of the highest peaks of Luzon Island (OC-042), the main island in the archipelago and Edgar’s home QTH.
79DA181 Edgar is a qualified ham operator and keen 11m DX Hunter with impressive DXCC stats achieved through a former involvement with Sugar Delta in the early 2000’s and extensive on-air time with an independent QRZ.
Away from the shack, he is a retired electronics technician and presently works as a consultant in a contracting company.
Pictured above, his station consists of a Ham International Multimode II SSB transceiver, a GE 40 channel model CB radio, a DPGH-28 half wave vertical antenna at some height and a home-brew regulated power supply.
A place of thousands of tricycles, buses, and jeepneys, the name of the city is ‘Calamba’ and it’s the regional centre of the Calabarzon region (Formally known as Southern Tagalog Mainland).
Situated 50 kilometers south of Manila, Calamba City is known as the Resort Capital of the Philippines because of its numerous hot spring resorts, which are mostly located in Barangay Pansol, Bucal and Bagong Kalsada.
The colourful ‘Buhayani Festival’ is the official festival of the City of Calamba and one of the biggest tourist attractions each year.
This popular celebration is in honour of José Rizal — a Philippine national hero, nationalist and reformist.
The stone Jose Rizal Shrine, Calamba Church and Calamba Water Pot (CALAMBANGA) — the largest claypot in the world — are other local treasures worthy of mention.
“As well as chasing DX on ham and 11m bands, says Edgar, “I like computers, electronic circuit simulations and projects, playing the guitar, drawing, eating pizza and of course loving my wife!”
You can find 79DA181 Edgar QRV on the international call frequency 27.555 MHz USB or tuning around the bands listening for rare dx.
His beautiful Republic of the Philippines QSL card is 100% via his QSL Manager.
Welcome on board Edgar best 73 from 3DA007 Alison