*QSL* 339DA0 Temotu

Check out below the eye-catching full colour QSL card design for January 2017’s DA-RC DXpedition to Temotu, a far-flung province of the Solomon Islands and ‘Most Wanted’ DXstination.

TemotuThe province flag, images taken by the team on the island, along with traditional DA-RC banners and logos, feature on the front and back of the 339DA0 card.

This is now available from the QSL Manager 104DA102 Syl whose coordinations are:

PO Box 32 ● 20243 ● Prunelli Di Fbo ● France

Thank you to 1DA011 Luca from ‘Elevenfour QSL Designs‘ for the design and also to the many generous sponsors whose names and callsigns are listed on the back.