Our Dx Adventure Radio Club’s venture to ‘Most Wanted’ entity Nauru Atoll (271 Division) in January 2016 will long be remembered in the 11m DX Community as one of the most successful dx adventures of 2016.
A classical triple QSL, full-colour, front and back, on the highest quality card, depicting some of the Oceania team’s experiences, the station, log data, sponsors and much more, from DA-RC member and talented QSL designer 1RC011 Luca from Eleven Four QSL Designs has been produced.
This will be the ultimate DX Hunter’s collector’s item for those fortunate enough to have made the 700+ strong log.
This amazing card (See below) has been printed by Cool QSL and is available from 104DA102 Syl at:
PO Box 32 ● 20243 ● Prunelli Di Fbo ● France
Yes..wonderful qsl – only if they would send!!!
nice qsl 100% 271DA/0 nice flag
nice qsl 100% 271DA/0 nice flag