*MEET* 26DA005 Andy

World class freeband DX Hunter. Accredited ham operator. Experienced elven meter band radio club administrator.

This guy has done it all + lots more!

From the United Kingdom in Europe, the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) welcomes legendary guy  26DA005 Andy into the our ranks in mid-October, 2023.

Pictured left, our 26SD005 Andy’s infatuation with 27 MHz DX began some 36 years ago, as a resident of Scotland (108 Division), but then continued to thrive when he relocated to England.

32 years in Sugar Delta and a couple in the Alfa Tango club catapulted him to an incredible number of DXCC entities worked and confirmed.

In fact, 26DA005 Andy is one of only a handful of Freeband DX Hunters to have cracked the magical ‘300’ mark.

Not only does our resident ‘big gun’ Andy smash DA-RC requirements for membership in the DX Hunter category, but he also nails down expectancies in radio club leadership.

[See: https://www.delta-alfa.com/about/membership/]

In fact, many will have appreciated 26DA005 Andy’s outstanding work in maintaining an online ‘Black List’ for the 11m DX Community with the sole purpose of ensuring QSL cards arrived to their intended destination.

As well as time spent as a Country Coordinator for his previous club, 26SD005 Andy is also an experienced QSL Manager; one with a glowing reputation of providing an efficient and reliable service to the 11m DX Community.

26DA005 Andy’s home on Great Britain Island is Haddenham, a quiet village and civil parish in west Buckinghamshire (or ‘Bucks’ for short).

As shown below, Haddenham is famous for its tranquil ponds and distinctive Aylesbury ducks.

A large bird with snow white plumage, a pink bill, and orange legs and feet, the Aylesbury duck is a breed of domesticated quacker, bred mainly for its meat and/or its handsome appearance.

26DA005 Andy’s village is also known as one of the three unique “Wychert Villages” and this is reportedly a source of much local pride.

Another claim to fame for Haddenham is the use of the village as a backdrop for film and television productions including several episodes of the popular detective drama Midsomer Murders.

26DA005 Andy’s station is built with ultimate success in mind and although he’s accumulated the vast majority of DXCC entities, there’s still very much a burning desire to add more bloodied kills to his DX trophy cabinet.

High performing Kenwood TS-480 SAT and Icom IC-756 PROII transceivers provide ultimate access to multiple bands, including the world’s best HF DX band, 11m.

Outside his home in south-east England, reaching into the sky above ‘Bucks’, is a 27-28MHz (10-11m) Fiberglass Vertical Antron 99 vertical by Solarcon, a Moxon and 5 element Cobweb.

These antennas ensure his TX signals are always well-heard in all corners of the globe, regardless of the band.

Pictured below with fellow DA Member 43DA021 Brian who visited him a few years ago, 26DA005 Andy closely monitors the international call frequency, 27.555 MHz USB.

‘Search and Pounce’ is his preferred method of operation these days but any CQ calls from this expert guy are bound to attract attention when the band opens up!


“Will QSL First”