*MEET* 224DA010 Edward

In early January 2021, our Dx Adventure Radio Club is thrilled to welcome back to the fold Mr Edward, in the Republic of Kiribati, who’s now recognised in the 2021 DA-RC Membership Directory as 224DA010.

Pictured above on-the-mic in his super island shack, Edward is a renowned world-class Freeband DX Hunter, a professional guy whom has represented his central Pacific nation with distinction on 27 MHz frequencies for more than a decade.

Of Kiribati’s 32 atolls, 224DA010 Edward resides on Nonouti Atoll.

This exquisite DXstination is located in the South Gilberts, 38 km north of Tabiteuea, 250 km south of Tarawa and 1500 km north of Fiji (99 Division).

With an area of roughly 30 square km, this atoll is the third largest in the Gilbert Islands IOTA Group and shares the reference OC-017 with 15 other isles, according to the World IOTA program.

Some include: Abaiang, Abemama, Arorae, Butaritari, Kuria, Maiana, Makin, Marakei, Nikunau, Onotoa and others.

Google Earth, a program which renders a 3D representation of Earth based primarily on satellite imagery, confirms the eastern side of Edward’s picturesque atoll is the primary permanent landmass and consists of tiny islets and islands which form a continuous line.

It’s here where 224DA010 Edward lives in the seaside village of Matang which has a population of roughly 550 people.

Matang, so they say, serves as the government center for the atoll which includes an admin building, police station, hospital and guest house.

Of particular interest to IOTA Hunters, based on infos in the Islands Base Online (IBO) database, is a never before activated islet on the northwest side of the atoll called ‘Noumatong’.

This is an uninhabited sand islet and reserved as a bird sanctuary.

The northern part of Nonuiti is cut by several passages forming many islets and flats that can be reached during high tides by boat or on foot during low tide.

A split near the middle only allows access to ships of less than a thousand tons, meaning essential items and luxuries that most take for granted are commonly in short supply.

With these many islets and flats with less human intervention, Nonouti Island is an excellent breeding ground for marine life.

224DA010 Edward is employed as a teacher on the island.

Nonouti hosts seven primary schools and one Junior Secondary School, and is home to George Eastman High School, run privately by the Kiribati Protestant Church.

Edward is also known to deal in coconuts and copra products such as moimoto (coconut juice) as a means to supplement his income.

224DA010 Edward’s shack includes a modern Yaesu FT-450D 100 watt transceiver, modded for general coverage.

This is a compact HF/50 MHz radio with state-of-the-art IF DSP technology ideal for dx adventure.

Outside his home QTH, surrounded by coconut palms, 224DA010 Edward’s antenna is a vertical about 6m from the ground, within reach of the water’s edge, which provides outstanding omnidirectional capability for quality DX operations.

A lack of electrical infrastructure in his village, too, is overcome by the use of solar and battery which are used to power his shack.

224DA010 Edward’s membership application lists fishing and sports as his favoured past times outside of radio comms.

In fact, the name Nonouti means  “to get up early to go fishing”.

From giant trevally and bonefish, to sail fish and marlin, consistent year-round WX, endless hard sand flats, and magnificent numbers of cruising pelagics, make Kiribati ideal for the serious angler.

According to 224DA010 Edward, “Nonouti Island has uninhabited islets with untouched nature and environment…”

“These are ideal for hideaways, picnics, relaxation, swimming, canoeing, dancing, snorkelling and beach games with no-one to disturb you.

Seen pictured above, Nonuiti has the largest and oldest Maneaba in Kiribati known as “Te Aake” (the ark).

This was built in Taboiaki village as a symbol of Nonouti being the first island in Kiribati where the Roman Catholic faith was pioneered.

“The first Catholic missionaries,” according to 224DA010 Edward, “were Tahiti-based Frenchmen, who arrived on Nonuiti in the early 1880s and began translating texts and compiling dictionaries…”

Other places of interest include the Kaitu & Uakeia shrine at Aubeangai, the ‘Te Unimwane’ shrine, and a shrine at Temwanoku village at the southern end of the island.

A keen and well-honed DX Hunter, 224DA010 Edward is QRV daily on the international call frequency, 27.555 MHz USB.

He also monitors his nation’s chat frequency which is 27.055 MHz USB.

A personal QSL card is available from DA-RC HQ to confirm any contact made with Edward’s island station.


DA-RC HQ OC, PO Box 3140 Browns Plains LPO, QLD Australia, 4118