South of Rome, from the central Italian region of Lazio, bordering the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) is thrilled to introduce to you world class DX Hunter 1DA292 Dino.
History reveals that 1DA292 Dino discovered the wonder of citizens band (CB) communications in 1969, meaning he has more than 50 years’ experience in the hobby.
Searching for extra challenges, as the DX bug hit, Dino obtained his ham license in 1998, followed by his US license in 2005.
Since this time—depending on the state of the solar cycle—he’s maneuvered between the amateur bands and 27 MHz frequencies, as a former member of the Alfa Tango club and more recently as an independent operator.
1DA292 Dino resides in Latina Scalo, the capital of the province of Latina, part of the southern section of the region of Lazio.
62 km south of Rome, Latina Scalo is a charming city known for its rich history, delicious cuisine, and beautiful beaches.
The region is also known for its excellent wine.
Incredibly, 1DA292 Dino is a member of the elusive ‘300 Club’, with exactly 300 divisions confirmed.
One look at his station, however, and it shouldn’t come as any surprise that his numbers are so extensive!
Essentially, 1DA292 Dino has assembled a world class station, capable of success across any band…
His feature radio is a Yaesu FT-3000 DX.
This covers all amateur radio bands from 160 to 6 meters in SSB/CW/FM/AM and Digital modes.
A Heil Goldline microphone with, the HC 4/5 element, produces studio quality sound to give him a distinct audio result.
Alongside the Yaesu is a Kenwood TL 922 linear amplifier which easily puts out 1200 Watts plus on all bands.
On a tower, some 22m above the ground, is a 6 element long boom yagi for Freeband DX.
A series of homemade dipoles, loops and vertical antennas for 10, 15, 17, 20, 40, 80 and 160m provide essential versatility for a guy, addicted to DX.
For portable DX work, 1DA292 Dino prefers a Yaesu FT-891.
This multi-band, multi-mode mobile/portable transceiver with ultra-compact and rugged case design, provides stable 100 watts of high power output.
He has several antennas at his disposal, depending on the band on which he will work.
Home-made verticals and mono band delta loops can be easily erected from vantage points in the field.
When he’s not behind the microphone hunting DX, 1DA292 Dino enjoys the sport of shooting.
He’s a member of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) which was established to promote, maintain, improve and advance the sport of practical shooting, to safeguard its principles and to regulate its conduct worldwide for the safe, recreational use of firearms by persons of good character.
In competition, IPSC shooters need to blend accuracy, power, and speed into a winning combination.
Multiple targets, moving targets, targets that react when hit, penalty targets, or even partially covered targets, obstacles, movement, competitive strategies, and other techniques are all a part of IPSC to keep shooters challenged and spectators engaged.
Of all the shooting disciplines – Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, and Action Air – it’s the art of shooting DX in which he’s most skilled, targeting the international call frequency 27.555 MHz USB as his kill space, on the hunt for rare or most wanted stations, or long time radio friends!
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