*MEET* 1DA005 Gaetano

Field technical engineer. Fisherman. Freeband fanatic…

Our Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) is pumped to introduce highly regarded and experienced hobbyist 1DA005 Gaetano from the vibrant southern-European country of Italy!

Committed to DX work on both ham and eleven meter frequencies, our newest addition to ‘Team Italy’ straightforwardly nails down requirements for DA-RC Membership in the DX Hunter category with more than 100 DXCC confirmed.

Check out https://www.delta-alfa.com/about/membership/

In fact, an incredible 198 entities in his DX Hunter resumé—in almost 30 years participation in radio comms—has him at the precipice of the magical ‘200 Club’.

With some wonderful dxpeditions planned for the remainder of solar cycle 25 by fellow DA Members, it won’t be long before he surpasses this special milestone too.

Not only is 1DA005 Gaetano celebrated for his DXCC accumulation and as one of the most committed Hunters in the Freeband Community, but he’s also practiced in the concept of regional activations.

Times gone by reveal that these experiences were secured through his previous involvement with the Alfa Tangos.

With his new club, however, 1DA005 Gaetano intends to diversify his experiences and so develop his expertise in the exciting field of DXpedition work.

In fact, several breath-taking Summits (SOTA) and Islands (IOTA) in the Mediterranean region are on his narrowed dx adventure hitlist for the not so distant future.

As revealed by the World Atlas, Italy is a boot-shaped peninsula that juts out of southern EU into the Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, and Mediterranean seas.

In addition to its reputation as the principal pirate band DX market in the world, Italy (1 Division) is well-known for its architecture, culture, art, opera, literature, film, and fashion.

It’s also known for its mesmerizing topography, pristine beaches, historical artifacts, monuments, and much more!

The updated DA-RC Membership Directory shows that 1DA005 Gaetano resides in Paullo, in the province of Milan.

This is a quaint town nestled within the Lombardy region, on the banks of the man-made Muzza Canal.

Situated just 20 km away from the bustling city of Milan, Gaetano’s QTH is said to provide a serene escape from the urban lifestyle while still being within easy reach of the amenities and opportunities of a major Italian city.

Interestingly, Gaetano’s town has a rich history dating back to ancient times, with archaeological evidence indicating human presence in the area since the Bronze Age.

The township also boasts several historical landmarks with churches, palaces, and traditional Italian architecture offering visitors a memorable glimpse into its past.

Music is one of Gaetani’s favoured past times and he’s lucky that many local music concerts enhance his social calendar each year.

The town’s proximity to the Ticino River provides scenic spots for relaxation and exploration, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers, as well as the sport of fishing, in which Gaetano’s skills are well-honed.

Together with the Adda and Mera Rivers, in fact, these waterways offer some of the best rainbow and brown trout fishing nurseries in all of Italy.

A look inside 1DA005 Gaetano’s shack and a modern Icom IC-7300 + 2 Yaesu rigs—an FT-981 and FT-3000—steal the limelight on a desktop which indulges several high-end DXcessories by companies such as Behringer.

Amalgamated with a 4 element SY-27 yagi for 27 MHz by local manufacturer Sirio + 2 multiband end-fed and rotary dipoles which target 10-15-20-40 meter bands, and this DX-Man has everything he needs to acquire rare DX in any corner of the globe.

Photos provided show 1DA005 Gaetano’s admirable portable set-up and this DX sub-genre continues to be one of his most favourite parts of the hobby.

In this DX-dimension, a fiberglass skypper antenna—by fellow DA-RC Member 1DA007 Darek—coupled with a screwdriver type Atlas 120 Gain Master are his choice of dee-ex weaponry.

These launch TX signals from the apex of a 10m high telescopic mast rooted beneath the tire of his vehicle from hills, parks and other local vantage points across the picturesque Lombardy region.    

Like most DA-RC Members who inhabit the 11m band, 1DA005 Gaetano can be found monitoring the International call frequency, 27.555 MHz USB.

Here, his familiar CQ Calls resonate amongst the world’s big gun and small pistol communities who always value his QSO company, and ensure his QSL card is always in popular demand.


Gaetano Pollara via S. Maria in Pratello, 16 – 20067 Paullo (MI) – Italy