*DX NEWS* 19/43DA021 Brian Enjoys Stay


Only months after returning from the Republic of Nauru for 271DA0, popular Australia based Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) member 43DA021 Brian reports to enjoying an extended stay in northwestern Europe with family and friends.

He’s even found time to jump on to the radio for some DX!

Travelling through the Netherlands, Brian has been active as a holiday station on the shores of the North Sea as 19/43DA021.

From time to time, he’s managed to pull himself away from the country’s iconic tourist landmarks…stunning tulip fields, windmills, visionary architecture, street markets selling rainbows of fresh flowers, haring (raw herring), caramel-filled stroopwafels (caramel-syrup-filled waffles with ice cream) and cheese, and borrel (‘drinks’) at canal-side cafés, to enjoy some wonderful propagation on the world’s best DX band.

In addition to working tens of DXCC not normally on the Aussie’s DX menu at this time of year, 19/43DA021 Brian was excited to catch up with some fellow DA-RC members on 11m.  Among them 104DA101 Roy on the mountainous Mediterranean island of Corsica and 14DA021 Eric on the tranquil shores of the English Channel.

With another ‘Most Wanted’ DXpedition event planned later in the year, 19/43DA021 Brian will no doubt be eager to make the most of more ‘relaxed’ ops during his overseas vacation.

No doubt also he’ll be keen to meet up with as many of his DA-RC comrades as possible during his stay!
