From the Republic of France in western Europe, the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC) is excited to welcome back to the fold, veteran Ham and Freeband operator 14DA014 Eric.
Committing to an already high-profile team of guys in L’hexagone, Eric reconnects with the DA-RC in late May 2024, eager to re-establish himself as one of our club’s preeminent dx adventurers on the coat tails of solar cycle 25.
Previously known by the ‘021’ unit number, history reveals that Eric (now 14DA014) has been active in radio communications since 1980, blessing him with some 40 years experience in the hobby, super charged with some wonderful moments and memories.
In addition to cultivating a reputation as a sociable and fun-loving guy, during this period 14DA014 Eric amassed a formidable total indeed of 270 DXCC, which has him a mere stone’s throw away from the magical ‘300’ mark.
It’s in the sphere of dxpedition work, however, where this charismatic DX-Man is perhaps best known…
As a DA member, archives confirm that Eric has embarked on numerous Islands On The Air (IOTA / NV-IOTA), Inland Water Islands (IWI) and Castles On The Air (COTA) activities.
As a licensed ham, Eric is also experienced in Parks, Flora & Fauna, Mills and Summits On The Air (SOTA) activities.
These were conducted either a solo operator, or, as a member of a team, in events such as the World Islands Festival (WIF) and others.
14DA014 Eric resides in northern France, a short drive from the shores of the English Channel and convenient access to an abundance of potential island and lighthouse dxstinations along the coastline.
His QTH is Saint-Laurent-Blangy, a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Hauts-de-France region.
This is a light industrial suburb and river port on the northeast side of Arras which, according to history, had to be completely rebuilt after the First World War.
Reportedly, Saint-Laurent-Blangy is also famous as the scene of Joan of Arc’s imprisonment, after her capture at Compiègne.
The Church of St. Laurent, the Château of Immercourt, the Feudal Motte and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries (See pictured above) are other known tourist attractions.
As the pictures show, 14DA014 Eric’s station is well-armed for DX warfare.
His choice of transceivers include a Yaesu FT-2000 and IC-7000 by ICOM, both modified to access the world’s best HF DX band, eleven meters.
Alongside these wonderful rigs are several top-end dx-cessories, including a HF-62 solid-state linear amplifier which punches out an impressive 600 watts.
Outside his home, a 3 element V-yagi for use on 27 MHz frequencies, and a hex beam for access to no less than 7 bands, provide TX versatility.
As well as radio comms where phony (voice) and digital ops such as FT8 and FT4 are both to his liking, 14DA014 Eric reveals a love of football.
He’s a passionate supporter, in fact, of the Racing Club de Lens.
This is a French professional football club based in the northern city of Lens, not far from his home.
Now retired, 14DA014 Eric has plenty of time on his hands to support the mighty ‘Blood and Golds’; to chase DX; ragchew with friends; or take to the field from an island, mountain top or grounds of a nearby castle with his portable station.
He’s never too far away from the radio and always available for a QSL or eQSL exchange.
Thank you for the great report on my personality. Everything is well said.
Well done to all DA members, thank you very much.
Best 73 14DA014 Eric