For serious DX Hunters on 11m, 27 and 26 MHz are a hive of first class DX action with many nations around the world (e.g. the Pacific Ocean’s underdeveloped islands) maintaining the citizens band as the major form of radio communication.
Please find below a list of 11m call and chat frequencies used in many DXCC around the world, compiled by members of the Dx Adventure Radio Club (DA-RC).
If you note any errors in this list or know of a frequency not listed, please contact the Club via the Contact Form…
- 27.995 MHz USB: Eastern Europe
- 27.985 MHz USB: Soviet Republic (50 Division)
- 27.980 MHz USB: Mongolia (95 Division)
- 27.977 MHz USB: Mongolia (95 Division) and China (203 Division)
- 27.965 MHz USB: Ukraine (315 Division)
- 27.960 MHz LSB: Gabon (215 Division)
- 27.950 MHz LSB: Belize (218 Division)
- 27.920 MHz LSB: Central America
27.915 MHz USB: Kuwait (102 Division), Turkey (116 Division) and other Middle Eastern Countries
- 27.900 MHz USB: Faeroe Islands (52 Division)
- 27.880 MHz USB: Alaska (33 Division)
- 27.800 MHz USB: East Kiribati (266 Division)
- 27.795 MHz USB: Tanzania 83 Division)
- 27.785 MHz USB: Burundi (184 Division)
- 27.740 MHz USB: Congo (162 Division) and Mayotte (189 Division)
- 27.730 MHz USB: Greenland (38 Division)
- 27.720 MHz USB: New Caledonia (172 Division)
- 27.675 MHz USB: West Africa
- 27.650 MHz USB: Bulgaria (178 Division)
- 27.636 MHz USB: New Caledonia (172 Division)
- 27.610 MHz USB: New Caledonia (172 Division)
- 27.555 MHz USB: International Call Frequency
- 27.515 MHz LSB: Caribbean Islands
- 27.510 MHz LSB: West Indies
- 27.495 MHz USB: Guam (62 Division), Philippines (79 Division) and Micronesia (230 Division)
- 27.455 MHz LSB: International Call Frequency
- 27.430 MHz USB: Angola (39 Division), Republic of Senegal (64 Division), Namibia (74 Division), Mali Republic (216 Division)
- 27.425 MHz LSB: Hawaiian Islands (17 Division)
- 27.395 MHz USB: Solomon Islands (135 Division)
- 27.385 MHz LSB: United States (2 Division), Hawaiian Islands (17 Division)
- 27.375 MHz USB: Micronesia (230 Division)
- 27.365 MHz USB: Tonga (96 Division)
- 27.355 MHz LSB: New Zealand (41 Division) & Australia (43 Division)
- 27.335 MHz LSB: Philippines (79 Division)
- 27.335 MHz USB: Kiribati (266, 265 and 224 Divisions)
- 27.275 MHz USB: South Africa (44 Division)
- 27.265 MHz USB: South Africa/Indian Ocean
- 27.155 MHz LSB: Australia (43 Division)
- 26.938 MHz USB: French Polynesia (201 Division)
- 26.440 MHz USB: Central Africa
- 26.425 MHz USB: Poland (161 Division)
- 26.410 MHz USB: Canada (9 Division)
- 26.400 MHz LSB: Christmas Island
- 26.285 MHz USB: International Call Frequency
DX stations to Johannesburg, South Africa are very strong at present (Div.44) Good DX in early morning (05h00 – 07h30 GMT) and afternoon 12h00 – 14h30 GMT) Could hear Italy stations and South America with both 5/6 5/7 signal reports. I am operating from a mobile station and good signals all round. Well done gentlemen.
There is a frequency where it is possible to listen to your own voice on sideband radio.
Anyone know the frequency?
I’m central UK call sign – KB 31
According america an other countries the
27 MHz Beacons window plan is:
27.595 to 27.645 on CW…
sample: 14RS000/B 27.510 CW qsy to 27.625 CW
69BY/B 27.610 CW
2YB/BCN 27.550 RTTY qsy to 27.598 CW
Can you please put Beacon window segment on your web site if possible, tks 73s.
Hi 14hd001 – 27.285 MHz am was never a calling frequency in Poland. Mostly We use 26,425 and 27,555 in USB for DX. Few years ago 27,280 was used for base station but nobody listen there nowadays. 27,280 is often use for road information by Polish truck drivers outside Poland.
good morning new frequency for am and lsb 27275 am world,27285 am poland,27345 lsb brasil and portugal
On behalf of: “LE JOURNAL DU 11M” i was asked to inform your members/viewers to please consult their website for a detailed 11m bandplan.
The website is in french but is easy to read using any online transaltor.
Thank you 73.
Do not forget there are many digital modes and morse code users also on 11m,please include these frequencies in your list:
27.500 CW and narrow digi-modes (less than 250 hz wide ex:PSK,olivia 250,feld-hell,etc.)
27.635 ROS mode
27.700 SSTV (also .705 and .710 as qsy freq)
27.710 to .730 other digi-modes (wider than 250 hz)
27.733 DRM
Many of these modes are discreet and are devoted to weak signals often used with 30w or less so please respect these frequencies as not to cause interference just like digi users respect phone mode frequencies.
Thank you
The UK have just decided on new CEPT calling channels in preparation for the legalisation of AM and SSB. AM calling on 27.125(CH14), SSB calling on 27.275(CH27) and FM on 27.315(CH31)
Good to here you lads on lsb
Great site, congrats on the hard work you have put into it.
73 de 26MU876 Paul
All I know Matt is that they are out there, that’s why I almost listen to 27.555 MHz USB 24/7 , I’m one of those guys that loves a challenge.
43ED066 Terry
“NEVER” is a long time matt !!! as long as you can still feel with your heart, see with your eyes,hear with your ears, feel with your hands, and still comprehend with your mind, that day will come…
Terry, 43ED066
It was great to hear you again on 27.555lsb on 20/09/12. If only for a few minutes, there were a few stations calling at once; 2wr-249 alabama-Nathan; 2dc-591-John Summersville Missouri and 2sf-864-John Atlanta Georgia, we QSY’d to another frequency but I did not here your call.
I’ve just purchased my first computer and learning how to use it. I hope to catch up with you tomorrow on 27.555lsb.
73’s from your mate down under,
Thank you for sharing this page with me. The info on the channel listing is a big help for me. I hear Australia, New Zealand and Europe, but I never talk to China, Japan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, etc.
I have talked all over the world and exchanged QSL cards with every contact and love to be able to talk to stations I mention above.
Any info you can give me would help.
Thank you, Matthew 2W357 Matthew Rhode Island USA